The Local Directory

A free directory of local independent businesses.
Locally-owned and independently operated.


Add Your Business

Did we miss your business? Let us know!


Update Your Free Listing

Let us know which categories your business should be included in:


Upgrade Your Membership

Add your logo, a longer description of your business, phone number, website, links to your social media accounts, and pick a new business photo.

All locally-owned and independently operated businesses are eligible for a Standard membership.

This does not include franchises and non-local chains.

Pick ‘Community Champion’ and SAVE 40% if your business belongs to or supports any of the following.

$10.00 every month
Community Champion Discount
$6.00 every month

Join Local Frequency

Start accepting Local Dollars.
Offers, loyalty rewards, in-app banners, and push notifications.
$25/month + credit card processing fee.


Contact us at JEDC to learn more.